

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/23)

2020年01月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
24681.not for me(私には合っていない)
I decided to move back to the countryside. City life is not for me.
24682.I'm into ~(〜が大好き / 〜に夢中)
I'm really into Cathy. She's easy to talk to and she's just fun to be around.
24683.I have (got) a soft spot for (〜が大好き / 〜に弱い / 〜に目がない)
I don't know what it is but I have a soft spot for Charlie.
24684.I can't get enough of (〜が大好きでたまらない)  
I can't get enough of this movie. It's a classic!
24685.I'm addicted to (〜にはまっている)liking something so much that you do not want to stop doing it or having it   
It sounds like your addicted to Facebook. You should take a break from it.

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