24676.come a long way(大きな発展・進歩・成長を遂げる)to have made a lot of progress
You have come a long way, Jennifer. I'm proud of you.
24677.biased(偏見や先入観を抱く、バイアスがかかっている)unfairly preferring one person or group over another
He is biased towards MacBooks because he works for Apple.
24678.grad school(大学院)American English informal a graduate school
I’m going to take time off work and go to grad school.
24679.along those lines(そのようなこと)similar to something else
I forgot exactly what he said but he said something along those lines.
24680.semester(学期)one of the two periods of time that a year at high schools and universities is divided into, especially in the US
Is your school a semester system or quarter system?
Is your school a semester system or quarter system?
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