Estrellita go(残されている、残りが、持ち帰り(用)の)tstill remaining before something happens
There are still two years to go
25107.down(元気がない) unhappy or sad
You see a little down. out(上手くいく)
Everything will work out. you'll see.
25109.Be in hot water(トラブルを起こして、まずいことになったり困難な状況に陥っている) if someone is in hot water, they are in trouble because they have done something wrong
Josh is in hot water about forgetting his anniversary.
25110.Be in trouble(苦難に陥っている、厄介なことに巻き込まれる、または(悪事を働いたことで)まずいことになっている ) if someone or something is in trouble, they are in a situation with a lot of problems
You shouldn't do that. You'll get in trouble.
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