

Daily Vocabulary(2020/03/02)

2020年03月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
24876.clever((ズル)賢い・要領が良い)especially British English able to learn and understand things quickly 類義語 intelligent, smart American English 
She's a clever and charismatic singer. 
24877.wise(賢い)wise decisions and actions are sensible and based on good judgment 類義語 sensible 
I feel like I'm a little wiser now than I was 10 years ago.
24878.omnivore (雑食動物)an animal that eats both meat and plants 
A bear isn't a carnivore but an omnivore.
24879.carnivore (肉食動物)an animal that eats flesh   
Their actual digestive system is that of a carnivore and so bamboo is an unlikely foodstuff to choose.
24880.herbivore(草食動物)an animal that only eats plants   
The basic food of herbivores is plants, so even the largest carnivorous animals are indirectly dependent on plants.

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