

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/03)

2020年05月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
25276.become obsolete. (時代遅れになる)
Many department stores, booksellers, office supply stores and nutritional supplement shops have became obsolete.
25276.petal(花弁)one of the coloured parts of a flower that are shaped like leaves 
There are flower petals on the top as a decoration.
25278.cardboard (段ボール)stiff thick brown paper, used especially for making boxes 
Do you need that cardboard box?
25279.shoehorn a curved piece of metal or plastic that you put inside the back of a shoe when you put it on, to help your heel go in easily 
Do you have shoehorn?
25280.wobble (ぐらぐらする、よろよろ歩く、動揺する)to move unsteadily from side to side, or make something do this   
The table doesn't wobble anymore. 

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