


2020年05月13日 | 爺英語

Some people have been craving company as they spend more time at home due to the pandemic.
And growing numbers have been adopting pets from animal shelters to ease their isolation.
This Australian schoolteacher got a cat from a group that helps abandoned pets. 
(Foster parent)
"We're all going to be indoors for a fair bit, so I figured now is as good a time as any."
This charity group saw a 300 percent increase in adoptions last weekend.
It says animals can relieve loneliness and anxiety, but it also stresses that pets are a long-term commitment.

crave 切望する     to have an extremely strong desire for something 
adopt  (人・動物などを)引き取る    to take someone else’s child into your home and legally become its parent → foster 
isolation 隔離、孤立、孤独   ~現在    when one group, person, or thing is separate from others 
adoption 養子縁組     the act or process of adopting a child 
anxiety 不安     the feeling of being very worried about something SYN concern    
commitment  責任   something that you have promised you will do or that you have to do

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/13)

2020年05月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
25326.Picky/Choosy(好き嫌いが多い)someone who is picky only likes particular things and not others, and so is not easy to please SYN fussy /someone who is choosy will only accept things that they like a lot or they consider to be very good 
You're such a picky eater, you know that?
25327.particular about(~にこだわりがある)
You know he is very particular about his fashion right?
25328.I'll take a rain check(また今度、誘ってください(次回は必ず行きます)) formal especially American English used to say that you will do something in the future but not now 
I already have plans this weekend but can I get a rain check?
25329.Maybe next time(機会を逃す)a substance which provides your body with energy and is found in foods such as grain, rice, and potatoes, or a food that contains this substance 類義語 carbohydrate   
I think I'll pass this time. Maybe some other time. 
25330.miss the boat(機会を逃す )  informal to fail to take an opportunity that will give you an advantage 
Make sure you don't miss the boat. 
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