

Daily Vocabulary(2020/05/18))

2020年05月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
25351.inspire (奮起させる)to encourage someone by making them feel confident and eager to do something 
what inspire you to do this?
25352.pay raise an increase in the amount of money you are paid for doing your job 
You have done great work. Accordingly, you will receive pay raise.
25353.in stock(在庫)
Excuse me, can you check if this item is in stock?
25354.turn in(提出する)a completed piece of work, especially written work, you give it to the person who asked you to do it. 
You need to turn in that document to your supervisor.
25355.real deal(本物)   
I think he's the real deal. His performance so far speaks for itself. 

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