

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/11)

2021年01月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
26536.Lucky bag(福袋)a bag of mixed sweets, intended for children; the bag is transparent, so that you do not know exactly what it contains 
Lots of people want to buy Lucky bag. 
26537.Rumor has it that(噂では)leading or ahead in a competition 
Rumor has it that Helen has been headhunted by another company.
26538.drink a toast to~(~に祝杯を挙げる)
Let’s drink a toast to the New Year!. 
26539.know of(~の名前や評判を聞いたことがある) 
I know of a guy who could help you.
26540.eknow a lot about (~についてたくさん知っている)
I know a lot about Steve. 

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