

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/14)

2021年01月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
26551.follow through(最後まで続けること)
Most people don’t follow through with their New Year’s resolutions. . 
26552.let go(手放す)to relax one's hold (on); release 
In order to be free, we have to learn how to let go.
26553.in the mood for/to (~したい気分(〜を食べたい気分))
If you're in the mood for Italian, I know a really good place. 
26554.piece of cake (朝飯前、楽勝、余裕 ) a thing easy to do 
I thought it was going be tough but it turned out to be a piece of cake.
26555.a breeze(簡単、楽勝) with little or no effort; easily  
That was a breeze. I can do that in my sleep 

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