French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98. The world-renowned creator is also known for bringing stylish clothes to the masses.
Cardin was born in Italy. He emigrated to France with his parents when he was a small child.
He worked for Christian Dior, after serving as an apprentice to tailors. The designer set up his own fashion house in 1950.
He began selling his ready-to-wear collections to the masses in 1959. Haute couture for wealthy people was the focus of the fashion world at the time.
Cardin expanded his business overseas and became famous around the world. He came to Japan for the first time in the late 1950s.
He brought innovation to the country's fashion business by introducing his three-dimensional cutting method.
The designer visited Japan 10 years ago and spoke to NHK. He said he was most content when he was able to concentrate on his work and forget about everything else.
Cardin was born in Italy. He emigrated to France with his parents when he was a small child.
He worked for Christian Dior, after serving as an apprentice to tailors. The designer set up his own fashion house in 1950.
He began selling his ready-to-wear collections to the masses in 1959. Haute couture for wealthy people was the focus of the fashion world at the time.
Cardin expanded his business overseas and became famous around the world. He came to Japan for the first time in the late 1950s.
He brought innovation to the country's fashion business by introducing his three-dimensional cutting method.
The designer visited Japan 10 years ago and spoke to NHK. He said he was most content when he was able to concentrate on his work and forget about everything else.
◆masses 最下位
◆apprentice 見習い、徒弟 An apprentice is a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill.
◆Haute couture 特別仕立ての高級婦人服 Haute couture refers to the designing and making of high-quality fashion clothes, or to the clothes themselves.
◆three-dimensional 三次元の、立体感のある A three-dimensional object is solid rather than flat, because it can be measured in three different directions, usually the height, length, and width. The abbreviation 3-D can also be used.