

Daily Vocabulary(2021/01/25)

2021年01月25日 | Daily Vocabulary
26601.acupuncture(鍼)Acupuncture is the treatment of a person's illness or pain by sticking small needles into their body at certain places. 
I'm not sure if acupuncture will help, but it's worth a try. 
26602.take one's point(~の意見・言い分を理解する)
I take your point, but I think you've misunderstood what I meant.
26603.cash in on(…を利用して利益を得る[もうける] )to get profit or profitable use from 
They try to cash in on the coronavirus panic by pushing fake cures, asking for donations to phony charities, or selling face masks, hand sanitizer and toilet paper at exorbitant prices. 
26604.phony(偽の) not genuine; false, counterfeit, spurious, pretentious, etc. 
Mother says that the child's illnesses are phony.
26605.con man((信用)詐欺師、ペテン師) extremely tired  My uncle knows such a thing doesn't exist, and he told the

 to get lost. 
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