

Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/11)

2021年04月11日 | Daily Vocabulary
26981.put away(片づける)If you put something away, you put it into the place where it is normally kept when it is not being used, for example in a drawer.
Put away your toys.
26982.intercom(インターフォン)An intercom is a small box with a microphone which is connected to a loudspeaker in another room. You use it to talk to the people in the other room. 
When you arrive, call me on the intercom
26983.window screen(網戸)
The window screen is a bit open. 
26984.soak(つかる、つける)If you soak something or leave it to soak, you put it into a liquid and leave it there. 
 I love to soak in a hot bath. 
26985.fluffy(ふわふわした) If you describe something such as a towel or a toy animal as fluffy, you mean that it is very soft. 
This dog is unbelievably fluffy.

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