26736.rephrase(言い換える、言い直す)If you rephrase a question or statement, you ask it or say it again in a different way.
Could you rephrase the question?.
26737.define(定義する、意味を明確にする)If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like.
Could you define this word, please?.
26738.serious relationship(真面目なお付き合い)A stretch of time is a period of time
I'm looking for a serious relationship.
26739.I'm positive(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job.
27740.I bet(確かに, 大丈夫, そのとおり )
I bet it's going to rain today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Could you rephrase the question?.
26737.define(定義する、意味を明確にする)If you define something, you show, describe, or state clearly what it is and what its limits are, or what it is like.
Could you define this word, please?.
26738.serious relationship(真面目なお付き合い)A stretch of time is a period of time
I'm looking for a serious relationship.
26739.I'm positive(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job.
27740.I bet(確かに, 大丈夫, そのとおり )
I bet it's going to rain today.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News