

Daily Vocabulary(2021/04/04)

2021年04月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
26946.Picky/Choosy(こだわりがある)Someone who is picky is difficult to please and only likes a small range of things.
You're such a picky eater, you know that? 
26947.particular about(~にこだわりがある)
You know he is very particular about his fashion right? 
26948.take part in(参加する)to participate in
I took part in the international exchange event that was held yesterday. 
26949.come to mind(思い浮かぶ)If something comes to mind or springs to mind, you think of it without making any effort. 
Don’t worry about making mistakes. Just say whatever comes to mind
26950.That’s fair(なるほど)
That’s fair. I see what you’re saying. That makes sense. 

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