


2021年11月10日 | 爺英語

Japanese food companies are scrambling to keep up with demand for frozen chicken products as the coronavirus pandemic has hit production in Thailand.
The country is one of the world's major producers. Prices are also rising.
Nichirei Foods temporarily halted operations at one of its Thai plants due to a labor shortage. Many workers could not enter Thailand because of the spread of the coronavirus in Southeast Asia.
The factory is back online, but it's operating at reduced capacity.
Nippon Suisan Kaisha postponed the launch of a frozen food product originally scheduled for last month. The firm says operations of some production lines in Thailand were hindered because of staff shortages caused by the pandemic.
Ajinomoto Frozen Foods says supermarkets in Japan have run short of its products as supplies from one Thai plant have been lower than initially estimated.
Sources say companies are running low on inventory. If the situation continues, it could further impact prices.
scramble       慌てて~する、先を争って~する      to move somewhere in a hurried awkward ways cramble to/out/from etc 
halt       止める、停止する  a stop or pause           
online        稼働して、操業して     
hindered        妨げる、邪魔をする    to make it difficult for something to develop or succeed 類義語 hamper 
run low 欠乏する、減る       慌てて~する、先を争って~する    

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/10)

2021年11月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
27736.I’m assuming(〜ってことですよね?)
I'm assuming you're talking about the sushi restaurant we went together last weekend.
I saw the post of you on newspaper.
27738.carbon dioxide(二酸化炭素) especially British English /food, paper etc that is no longer needed and has been thrown away 類義語 garbage, trash American English
Have you thought about carbon dioxide produced by powerplants.
27739.historical figure(歴史上の人物)
Do you know much about American historical figures
27740.colony(植民地)a country or area that is under the political control of a more powerful country, usually one that is far away → colonial, colonize
The U.S used to be a colony