

Daily Vocabulary(2021/11/14)

2021年11月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
27756.reindeer(トナカイ) a large deer with long wide antlers (=horns), that lives in cold northern areas
He lost over two hundred reindeer
27757.difficult for someone to accept (~にとって受け入れ難い)
Yeah, it was difficult for me to accept, but I had no choice. 
27758.reconcile(調和させる) if you reconcile two ideas, situations, or facts, you find a way in which they can both be true or acceptable
It’s difficult to reconcile work and family life. 
27759.planet(惑星) a very large round object in space that moves around the Sun or another star 
The future of our planet is in danger. 
27760.ordinary person(特徴がない、平凡な) average, common, or usual, not different or special/not particularly good or impressive
I did nothing. It was an ordinary day like any other day.