27791.cynical(ひねくれた)unwilling to believe that people have good, honest, or sincere reasons for doing something
I feel like the older I get, the more cynical I become.
27792.get away with(逃げ切る) to not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong
You were 40km over the speed limit and you didn’t get a ticket? How did you get away with that?
27793.have a big mouth(口が軽い / (秘密が守れず)おしゃべり) spoken someone who has a big mouth cannot be trusted to keep things secret
We're all in trouble because you opened your big mouth!
I feel like the older I get, the more cynical I become.
27792.get away with(逃げ切る) to not be caught or punished when you have done something wrong
You were 40km over the speed limit and you didn’t get a ticket? How did you get away with that?
27793.have a big mouth(口が軽い / (秘密が守れず)おしゃべり) spoken someone who has a big mouth cannot be trusted to keep things secret
We're all in trouble because you opened your big mouth!
27794.talk big(ホラを吹く / 得意げに話す / 大口を叩く)
You sure talk big for someone that hasn't accomplished anything.
27795.have someone's back(人を)守る・助ける / 〜の味方をする)
My friends and family have my back no matter what.
27795.have someone's back(人を)守る・助ける / 〜の味方をする)
My friends and family have my back no matter what.