ショパン:軍隊ポロネーズ ピアニスト 近藤由貴/Chopin: Military Polonaise Op.40-1 Piano, Yuki Kondo
27781.conservative(伝統的な、旧弊な、古くさい 、地味) not liking changes or new ideas/not very modern in style, taste etc 類義語 traditional
Is this too conservative?
27782.gaudy(下品なほどけばけばしい、派手で俗っぽい)clothes, colours etc that are gaudy are too bright and look cheap – used to show disapproval
I'd never wear that gaudy sweater
27783.extravagant(浪費する、ぜいたくな) spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford/doing or using something too much or more than is necessary
That phone case is so extravagant.
Is this too conservative?
27782.gaudy(下品なほどけばけばしい、派手で俗っぽい)clothes, colours etc that are gaudy are too bright and look cheap – used to show disapproval
I'd never wear that gaudy sweater
27783.extravagant(浪費する、ぜいたくな) spending or costing a lot of money, especially more than is necessary or more than you can afford/doing or using something too much or more than is necessary
That phone case is so extravagant.
27784.gorgeous(豪華な、華麗な、りっぱな、見事な、すてきな、すばらしい )extremely beautiful or attractive /extremely pleasant or enjoyable 類義語 lovely
Yesterday's weather was gorgeous!
27785.window display(ショウウインドウ)
That window display is extravagant.
27785.window display(ショウウインドウ)
That window display is extravagant.