I Love Paris - Don Randi
31346.technically speaking (厳密に言えば )according to the exact details of a rule or law
Technically speaking, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
31347.grow on someone (だんだん気に入るようになる )if something grows on you, you gradually like it more and more
Technically speaking, a tomato is a fruit, not a vegetable.
31347.grow on someone (だんだん気に入るようになる )if something grows on you, you gradually like it more and more
Once you live in a place, it grows on you.
31348.have/has come to like/love (〜が徐々に好きになる )
Once I became a father,I've really come to appreciate my parents.
31349.acquire a taste (徐々に(食べ物/飲み物)が好きになる )
I have acquired a taste for black coffee.
31350.You look so familiar. (見覚えがある)
Don't I know you? You look really familiar.
I have acquired a taste for black coffee.
31350.You look so familiar. (見覚えがある)
Don't I know you? You look really familiar.