

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/20)

2023年11月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
31416.serious  (真面目なお付き合い  )
Are they just casually dating, or are they serious
31417.in most cases  (大抵の場合 )
If you have the receipt, you’ll get a refund or store credit in most cases
31418.rattle off  (スラスラと言う )
He knew all the temples in Kyoto and started rattling them off. 
31419.paranoid  (考えすぎる、心配する )believing unreasonably that you cannot trust other people, or that they are trying to harm you or have a bad opinion of you
I can’t eat anything raw. I’m paranoid that I’m going to get food poisoning. 
31420.attire 服装)clothes 
 Is it okay to wear casual attire to the company party?