


2023年11月08日 | 爺英語

Diplomats are doing what they can to help Palestinians fleeing for their lives.
They've seen more than 4,200 people killed in fighting between Israeli forces and members of the Islamic militant group Hamas.
And they're struggling to get supplies to those in need.
Diplomats from the United Nations, the U.S., and other member nations are trying to set up a “humanitarian corridor.”
But Israeli leaders have ordered a “complete siege” and have bombarded Gaza in retaliation for an attack earlier this month on their territory.
They've deprived residents of food, water, and fuel.
Palestinians in the northern half of Gaza have been forced to flee their homes. And they fear the Israelis will invade.
So they've joined an exodus to the south. Many are hoping to cross over into Egypt.

flee for one's life  命からがら逃げ出す、命懸けで逃げる 
siege (軍事)封鎖、包囲(攻撃)      
exodus   脱出、集団移動、大量出国  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/08)

2023年11月08日 | Daily Vocabulary
31356.put oneself in someone's shoes  (人の立場になって考える  )
You have to always put yourself in the customers shoes
31357.give someone the shirt off one's back  (積極的に力を貸す / 全てを捧げる )
I would give my friends the shirt off my back. 
31358.tip one's hat to someone  (脱帽する )American English to say or do something that shows you admire what someone has done 
I tip my hat to her for her accomplishments.
31359.wear heart on sleeve  (感情を率直に表す / 心の内を隠さず見せる )to show your true feelings openly 
My friend wears his heart on his sleeve so I always know how he feels. 
31360.have/has come to like/love (〜が徐々に好きになる 
Once I became a father, I've really come to appreciate my parents.