

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/17)

2023年11月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
31401.may or may not (そうかもしれないし、そうじゃないかもしれない)
She may or may not be late. 
31402.may well (可能性は充分にある)
You may well meet them. 
31403.Chance are (おそらく〜だろう )
Chance are  I'll be a bit late for the meeting because of a train delay.
31404.reveal (明らかにする、暴露する) to make known something that was previously secret or unknown 
Good magician never reveal their secret.
31405.spoiler(台なしにする人、甘やかす人 、ネタバレ
Spoiler alert:the villain is actually the hero's father.