


2023年11月29日 | 爺英語

Two scientists transformed the threat of the pandemic and helped people worldwide resume their lives.
Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman laid the groundwork for COVID vaccines. Now they've been awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine.
Members of the panel say the laureates contributed to vaccine development during one of the “greatest threats to human health” in history. messenger  RNA vaccines.
The scientists say they never expected to get the prize so quickly.
(Drew Weissman / Nobel Prize in medicine winner)
“Just realizing how important it had the potential to be. And that's why we never gave up. And we just kept persevering and kept working at it. And here we are today.”
Kariko and Weissman know the applications of their work can go further.
They say they hope, one day, such vaccines may even help protect against cancer and other deadly diseases.

laureates 受賞者 
persevere 辛抱する、(困難に屈せず)努力する、やり抜く    

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/29)

2023年11月29日 | Daily Vocabulary
31461.bring forward(前倒しする)
Could you bring forward the delivery date just by a couple of date?. 
31462.brush over (問題など軽視する、軽く扱う)
You tend to brush over the grassroots side of wine.. 
31463.energetic (精力的な)having or needing a lot of energy or determination 
We need to be more energetic in customer acquisition.
31464.pseudo (擬似)false or not real
something that makes you feel very proudI like having my desk as organized as can be
31465.get by(本質的に)通り抜ける、(…で)何とかやっていく、(人の)目を逃れる、うまくだます、(出来はよくないが)何とか通用する、まあまあ認められる
Thank you. I'm getting by.