

Daily Vocabulary(2023/11/27)

2023年11月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
31451.be close to (〜仲がいい )
I 'm really close to my cousins on my mom's side. 
31452.have a fight (口げんかする)to argue about something 
I had  a fight with in-laws. 
31453.on the verge of (〜の寸前である )to be at the point where something is about to happen 
Considering that many restaurants in Tokyo were on the verge of bankruptcy a years ago, the future seems bright.ll people are inherently good. 
31454.testing (試練の、困難な)a testing situation, experience etc is difficult to deal with
The last few years have been very testing
31455.light at the end of the tunnel(一筋の光something that gives you hope for the future after a long and difficult period
You say we see signs of light at the end of the tunnel, but on what grounds?