31376.What do you make of (相手の意見や考えを尋ねるとき )
Tony sent me a weird email. Take a look at it. What do you make of it?
31377.make a wish (願い事をする )
Tony sent me a weird email. Take a look at it. What do you make of it?
31377.make a wish (願い事をする )
Blow out the candles and make a wish.
31378.make fun of (人をからかったり、馬鹿にしたりすること )
My friends always make fun of me because I can’t eat hot food.
31379.make up one’s mind (決める決心する )
Did you make up your mind or are you still thinking about it?
31380.make one’s day (誰かのおかげで幸せな気分になったり、相手の一言で励まされたとき )to make someone very happy
Hearing her voice on the phone really made my day.
Did you make up your mind or are you still thinking about it?
31380.make one’s day (誰かのおかげで幸せな気分になったり、相手の一言で励まされたとき )to make someone very happy
Hearing her voice on the phone really made my day.