

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/04)

2024年04月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
32096.expiration date (賞味期限)the last date that a product, especially food, should be sold 
When is the expiration date?
32097.irritated (いらいらした、怒った ) feeling annoyed and impatient about something 
You look irritated. 
32098.fragile(壊れやすい、もろい、虚弱な、かよわい、はかない )easily broken or damaged OPP strong 
UI would tell myself that life is fragile. And we need to focus on the present. That is very important.
32099.steer (操舵(だ)する、(…に)向ける、たどる、進める、進む )to control the direction a vehicle is going, for example by turning a wheel / to guide someone’s behaviour or the way a situation develops 
I wanna know what makes you happy, because I would like to possibly steer myself more towards that direcxtion. 
32100.pick up(特徴やコツを掴む) to learn something by watching or listening to other people 
Were you able to pick up any tips from the seminor?