

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/22)

2024年04月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32186.on the fence  (迷う )
I'm on the fence about signing up to online English lessons. 
32187.A ways to go  (まだまだ道のりは長い )if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other 
I feel like my English is improving, but I still have a ways to go. 
32188.go down  (まっすぐ進む)
Go down this street and the bank will be on your left hand side. .
32189.take part in  (~に参加する / 〜に出場する )
 Why don’t you take part in this game? It’s really fun. 
32190.throw in  (おまけする)to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price 
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free.