God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
32186.on the fence (迷う )
I'm on the fence about signing up to online English lessons.
32187.A ways to go (まだまだ道のりは長い )if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other
I'm on the fence about signing up to online English lessons.
32187.A ways to go (まだまだ道のりは長い )if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other
I feel like my English is improving, but I still have a ways to go.
32188.go down (まっすぐ進む)
Go down this street and the bank will be on your left hand side. .
32189.take part in (~に参加する / 〜に出場する )
Why don’t you take part in this game? It’s really fun.
32190.throw in (おまけする)to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price
Why don’t you take part in this game? It’s really fun.
32190.throw in (おまけする)to add something to what you are selling, without increasing the price
If you buy 3 shirts, I'll throw in an extra shirt for free.