

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/15)

2024年04月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
32151.Who wants to ____? (~したい人なんていないでしょう )
Who wants to wait in line for three hours for a hamburger? 
32152.It just happened to be that way  (たまたまそうなった)
I just happened to see my high school friend at the train station. 
32153.I have to admit (恥ずかしいけど認めざるを得ない )
I have to admit, I didn’t study much English when I was in high school. 
32154.screw up (しくじった)informal to make a bad mistake or do something very stupid 類義語 mess up 
I have to admit, I screwed up. That was all my fault. 
32155.wing it(即座にやってのける、即席でしゃべる )spoken to do something without planning or preparing it 
I have to admit, I didn’t prepare for the presentation and I just winged it.