

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/27)

2024年04月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
32211.trade secret (商売上の秘密、企業秘密)a piece of secret information about a particular business, that is only known by the people who work there 
It's probably trade secret.
32212.readily (すぐに)quickly and easily 
The client readily accepted our first offer.
32213.jump at(飛びつく)
I jumped at the chance to meet Sakurada Junko for dinner.
32214.rotate (回す、回る、交代で~する)if a job rotates, or if people rotate jobs, they each do a particular job for a particular period of time 
 My personal trainer told me to rotate my head 10 times before I start work out.
32215.brainteaser (頭の体操、頭をひねるクイズ)a difficult problem that is fun trying to solve 
Let's do a little brainteaser to warm up before the test , shall we?