32211.trade secret (商売上の秘密、企業秘密)a piece of secret information about a particular business, that is only known by the people who work there
It's probably trade secret.
32212.readily (すぐに)quickly and easily
It's probably trade secret.
32212.readily (すぐに)quickly and easily
The client readily accepted our first offer.
32213.jump at(飛びつく)
I jumped at the chance to meet Sakurada Junko for dinner.
32214.rotate (回す、回る、交代で~する)if a job rotates, or if people rotate jobs, they each do a particular job for a particular period of time
My personal trainer told me to rotate my head 10 times before I start work out.
32215.brainteaser (頭の体操、頭をひねるクイズ)a difficult problem that is fun trying to solve
My personal trainer told me to rotate my head 10 times before I start work out.
32215.brainteaser (頭の体操、頭をひねるクイズ)a difficult problem that is fun trying to solve
Let's do a little brainteaser to warm up before the test , shall we?