

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/21)

2024年04月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
32181.yawn (欠伸)to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored 
Yawn is contagious.
32182.asleep (眠って、死んだようになって、不活発になって、しびれて )i sleeping OPP awake /an arm or leg that is asleep has been in one position for too long, so you cannot feel it properly 
You were asleep when I called, weren’t you?
32183.soundly((眠る状態が)ぐっすり、深く、(打撃などの状態が)ひどく、徹底的に、正しい判断で、正しく、堅実に )if you sleep soundly, you sleep deeply and peacefully 
I’ve never been able to asleep soundly on a plane.
32184.insomnia (不眠症)if you suffer from insomnia, you are not able to sleep 
 How long have you been suffering from insomnia
32185.depreciate (価値を低下する )to decrease in value or price OPP appreciate 
If the yen keeps depreciating, some Japanese businesses might start going under.