

Daily Vocabulary(2024/04/14)

2024年04月14日 | Daily Vocabulary
32146.byproduct (副産物)something additional that is produced during a natural or industrial process 
Experts say  that social media has many byproducts, including fake news
32146.starting salary (初任給)the salary you get for doing a job when you first start doing it 
I took the job because it had a great starting salary
32148.assin(配属する、任命する)having two of something or two parts 
I got assigned to the welfare office.
32149.ID (本人証明書、社員証)a document that shows your name and date of birth, usually with a photograph 類義語 identification 
Carry your ID with you at all times.. 
For new employees, it's helpful to shadow someone with experience.