31556.set back (離して置く、後ろへ移す、戻す、後ろに寝かせる、後退させる、遅れさせる、阻止する、費用がかかる )to delay the progress or development of something, or delay someone from finishing something /to cost someone a lot of money
This unexpected storm set back our plans for the event.
31557.not as A as B (BほどAではない )to make someone or something better so that they reach the necessary standard
This unexpected storm set back our plans for the event.
31557.not as A as B (BほどAではない )to make someone or something better so that they reach the necessary standard
They're alright, but definitely not as good as the ramen shops in Japan.
31558.crucial(極めて需要な、必要不可欠な)something that is crucial is extremely important, because everything else depends on it 類義語 vital
It’s crucial to do that.
31559.stoic (無感情、無表情 ) someone who does not show their emotions and does not complain when bad things happen to them
He is a stoic person even in the most difficult of circumstances.
He is a stoic person even in the most difficult of circumstances.
31560.diligent (絶えず努力する )someone who is diligent works hard and is careful and thorough
Kevin is a diligent worker and deserves to be recognized.