31161.discipline 訓練、鍛練、修養、教練、訓練法、修業法、(鍛練で得た)抑制、自制(心)、克己(こつき)、しつけ )a way of training someone so that they learn to control their behaviour and obey rules
It takes discipline to become a worlds-class swimmer.
31162.build up (主に体を強くする、褒めたてる)
It takes discipline to become a worlds-class swimmer.
31162.build up (主に体を強くする、褒めたてる)
It’ll take a whileto build up my strengthafter my surgery.
31163.hardworking (勤勉な、一生懸命な)working with a lot of effort 類義語 industrious
I've never met anyone more hardwoking than you.
31164.slightly (少し、わずかに)a little
Mary, could you turn your head slightly to the left?
31165.peek(ちらっとのぞく)to look quickly at something, or to look at something from behind something else, especially something that you are not supposed to see → peep
I'm going to hide now! close your eyes, and don't peek, OK?.
Mary, could you turn your head slightly to the left?
31165.peek(ちらっとのぞく)to look quickly at something, or to look at something from behind something else, especially something that you are not supposed to see → peep
I'm going to hide now! close your eyes, and don't peek, OK?.