

Daily Vocabulary(2025/03/13)

2025年03月13日 | Daily Vocabulary
32796.naturally(自然に、ありのままに、当然ながら) use this to say that something is normal and not surprising 
It's so hard to act naturally when someone tells you do..  
32797.pontaneously(自発的に、無意識のうちに)something that is spontaneous has not been planned or organized, but happens by itself, or because you suddenly feel you want to do it 
 The crowd spontaneously started singing the fight song. 
32798.selkf-evident(自明の、わかりきった)clearly true and needing no more proof 類義語 obvious 
It’s self-evident that studying abroad was good for him.. 
32799.germ(細菌、病原菌a very small living thing that can make you ill → bacteria 
Cover your mouth when you cough so that you don't spared germs
32800.contagious(接触感染性、移りやすい ) a disease that is contagious can be passed from person to person by touch → infectious 
Norovirus is extremely contagious. 

