32881.significant other(彼氏・彼女・夫・妻・恋人・配偶者)your husband, wife, girlfriend, or boyfriend
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other.
32882.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者))old-fashioned used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner
I don't know whether I can make the party tonight. Let me talk it over with my significant other.
32882.better half(妻・嫁・奥様・(彼氏・夫・恋人・配偶者))old-fashioned used humorously to mean your husband, wife, or partner
I'd like you to meet my better half, Jackie.
32883.I'm sorry for your loss (ご愁傷さまです)
I heard your father passed away. I’m very sorry for your loss.
32884.I'm sorry to hear that (私も残念に思います)
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he recovers soon.
32885.You’re in my thoughts/prayers (あなたのことを思っています・祈っています) a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope he recovers soon.
32885.You’re in my thoughts/prayers (あなたのことを思っています・祈っています) a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation
I heard your uncle passed away yesterday. You and your family are in my thoughts.