

Daily Vocabulary(2023/01/10)

2023年01月10日 | Daily Vocabulary
29856.Leave me alone   (ほっといて )
Look, I’m busy right now. Please, leave me alone
29857.Stop bugging me   (邪魔しないで )
Stop bugging me. I’m trying to work. 
29858.Disheartened / Bummed out  (凹む )disappointed, so that you lose hope and the determination to continue doing something 
I am really disheartened that I didn’t get accepted to Tokyo University. 
29859.I can't take it anymore   (もう我慢できない  )
I can’t take it anymore! I’m going to and talk to the HR manager.
29860.This is the last straw   (もう我慢の限界 / 堪忍袋の緒が切れる )to be the final thing in a series of annoying things that makes someone very angry 
My husband came home really drunk again last night. That's five nights in a row. That's the last straw

