

Daily Vocabulary(2023/10/27)

2023年10月27日 | Daily Vocabulary
31296.flatter(〜をおだてる、~にお世辞を言う )to praise someone in order to please them or get something from them, even though you do not mean it 
You know how to flatter your guest. 
31297.have one's back (味方で、助けてくれる)
Thanks.It was a huge help knowing you had my back
31298.give one's some space (自由を与える、そっとしておく )
Relax and  give her some space, OK. 
31299.prawn ((大きな)エビ、クルマエビ、クルマエビの身 )a small pink shellfish that can be eaten 類義語 shrimp American English 
Would you like soba with prawn tempura after this?. 
31300.tart酸っぱい、しんらつな、鋭い) food that is tart has a sharp sour taste
I like tart apples more than sweet apples. 

