Everyone should have respect for human dignity.
4902.in short order(迅速に)
He completed the work in short order.
4903.pay dividends(配当金を払う、利益を生む、実を結ぶ、役立つ)
Her education began to pay dividends when the job offers began rolling in.
4904.get wind of(〔計略・気配・うわさなど〕をかぎつける)
Once the police get wind of your whereabouts, they'll hunt for you every day.
Look at me squarely in the eye and tell me the truth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
Everyone should have respect for human dignity.
4902.in short order(迅速に)
He completed the work in short order.
4903.pay dividends(配当金を払う、利益を生む、実を結ぶ、役立つ)
Her education began to pay dividends when the job offers began rolling in.
4904.get wind of(〔計略・気配・うわさなど〕をかぎつける)
Once the police get wind of your whereabouts, they'll hunt for you every day.
Look at me squarely in the eye and tell me the truth.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News