

Daily Vocabulary(2024/05/22)

2024年05月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
32331.eat like a bird (少食である)
Of course she’s so skinny, she eats like a bird
32332.eat like a horse(大食いである )
You're going to eat a pizza too? You eat like a horse!
32333.eat like a pig (ガツガツ食べる )
There are crumbs everywhere because you eat like a pig!
32334.crumb (パンなどのくず、かけら、パンくず、パン粉、(パンの皮 と区別して)パンの中身、しん、わずか、人間のくず、ろくでなし ) a very small piece of dry food, especially bread or cake 
 She stood up to brush the crumbs off her uniform. 
32335.dress up (お洒落に着飾ったり正装するなど、状況に応じた相応しい格好をする  )to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someone /to wear clothes that are more formal than the ones you would usually wear 
It’s a formal event. Make sure you dress up

