How did your friends react?
14822.deformity(形が損なわれていること, 奇形、醜い)
Some see nature all ridicule and deformity.
I have to say it's kind of tacky.
14824.lack of class(品がないこと、マナーに欠けること)
I think it shows a lack of class.
I don't think taking photos is kosher in an upscale eatry like one you and your friends went to.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
香川県 直島ハイキング アートと島を巡る瀬戸内海の四季 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013(2013.08/31)
How did your friends react?
14822.deformity(形が損なわれていること, 奇形、醜い)
Some see nature all ridicule and deformity.
I have to say it's kind of tacky.
14824.lack of class(品がないこと、マナーに欠けること)
I think it shows a lack of class.
I don't think taking photos is kosher in an upscale eatry like one you and your friends went to.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News
香川県 直島ハイキング アートと島を巡る瀬戸内海の四季 瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013(2013.08/31)