

Daily Vocabulary(2024/12/06)

2024年12月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
32316.blur(かすんで見えるもの、(思い出など)ぼんやりしているもの)a shape that you cannot see clearly 
I saw the blur of the car as it passed in front of me. 
32317.false alarm(誤り警報; 誤報 、人騒がせ)a situation in which people wrongly think that something bad is going to happen 
Fire fighters responded to a false alarm at one of the college dormitories.
32318.update(最新情報) the most recent news or information about something 
The report provides a brief update on the progress of the project. 
32319.going to( 〜をします)
I was going to call you but I didn't have reception 
32320.about to(これから〜をします、これから〜しようとするところ)
I was just about to call you. How's it going Mike? 

