5256.pros and cons(賛否、賛否両論、良い点と悪い点)
Let's discuss the pros and cons of his proposal.
5257.like night and day(夜と昼ほど違って、違いが明らかで)
They may be sisters, but like night and day.
5258.sick and tired(うんざりしている)
I am sick and tired of reminding you to do your homework.
5259.all the bells and whistles(何から何までいろいろなものを)
When I buy next car, I am going to get all the bells and whistles.
5260.spick and span(とてもきれいな、こざっぱりした、きちんとした)
I spent all weekend cleaning my apartment and it’s spick and span.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Let's discuss the pros and cons of his proposal.
5257.like night and day(夜と昼ほど違って、違いが明らかで)
They may be sisters, but like night and day.
5258.sick and tired(うんざりしている)
I am sick and tired of reminding you to do your homework.
5259.all the bells and whistles(何から何までいろいろなものを)
When I buy next car, I am going to get all the bells and whistles.
5260.spick and span(とてもきれいな、こざっぱりした、きちんとした)
I spent all weekend cleaning my apartment and it’s spick and span.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News