20926.shrinking violet(はにかみ屋)
I used to be a shrinking violet.
20927.open up(打ち解ける)
Open up a bit and disclose the real you.
20928.get the ball rolling(口火を切る)
That sounds like a good way to get conversational the ball rolling.
20929.follow up on(~を引き続き追及する)
You need to follow up on initial encounter and develop it further.
I still find the lunguage and cultural barriers intimidating.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

I used to be a shrinking violet.
20927.open up(打ち解ける)
Open up a bit and disclose the real you.
20928.get the ball rolling(口火を切る)
That sounds like a good way to get conversational the ball rolling.
20929.follow up on(~を引き続き追及する)
You need to follow up on initial encounter and develop it further.
I still find the lunguage and cultural barriers intimidating.
今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News