

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/23)

2020年01月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
24681.not for me(私には合っていない)
I decided to move back to the countryside. City life is not for me.
24682.I'm into ~(〜が大好き / 〜に夢中)
I'm really into Cathy. She's easy to talk to and she's just fun to be around.
24683.I have (got) a soft spot for (〜が大好き / 〜に弱い / 〜に目がない)
I don't know what it is but I have a soft spot for Charlie.
24684.I can't get enough of (〜が大好きでたまらない)  
I can't get enough of this movie. It's a classic!
24685.I'm addicted to (〜にはまっている)liking something so much that you do not want to stop doing it or having it   
It sounds like your addicted to Facebook. You should take a break from it.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/22)

2020年01月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
24676.come a long way(大きな発展・進歩・成長を遂げる)to have made a lot of progress 
You have come a long way, Jennifer. I'm proud of you.
24677.biased(偏見や先入観を抱く、バイアスがかかっている)unfairly preferring one person or group over another 
He is biased towards MacBooks because he works for Apple.
24678.grad school(大学院)American English informal a graduate school 
I’m going to take time off work and go to grad school.
24679.along those lines(そのようなこと)similar to something else   
I forgot exactly what he said but he said something along those lines.
24680.semester(学期)one of the two periods of time that a year at high schools and universities is divided into, especially in the US
Is your school a semester system or quarter system? 

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

徒然草 第三十一段

2020年01月21日 | 徒然草を読む


雪が気持ちよさそうに降った朝、人にお願いがあって手紙を書いた。手短に済ませて、雪のことは書かずに投函したら返事が来た。「雪であなたはどんな気分でしょうか? ぐらいのことも書けない、気の利かない奴のお願いなんて聞く耳を持ちません。本当につまらない男だ」と書いてあった。読み返して感動し、鳥肌が立った。


Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/21)

2020年01月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
24671.get rid of to throw away or destroy something you do not want anymore 
It good to get rid of stress.
24672.chilly if you feel chilly, you feel uncomfortably cold 
You may need to bring a warm sweater because it can get chilly here at night.
24673.problematic (問題の、問題を含む)involving problems and difficult to deal with 
The mosquitoes around here can be really problematic.
24674.move in (引っ越してくる)  
My fiancee moved in last month.
24675.For the first time in~days/months/years(~日ぶりに / ~ヶ月ぶり /~年ぶりに )  
He's going back home for the first time in a few years.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/20)

2020年01月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
24666.miss (欠席する) to not go somewhere or do something, especially when you want to but cannot 
So、what happened I miss a meeting?
24667.fuss (大騒ぎ) anxious behaviour or activity that is usually about unimportant things 
I don't know what happened all the fuss is about.
24668.at cost price (原価で)
Since you are a special costumer, I will offer you at cost price.
24669.tiger mom A mother who drives child/children very hard to succeed in school or extracurricular studies.
I’My mother was a tiger mom.
24670.Japanized English(和製英語)  
We used to call adult kids who still lived with their parents and were supported by them parasite singles in Japanized English.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/19)

2020年01月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
24661.leash(リード、引綱)a piece of rope, leather etc fastened to a dog’s collar in order to control it 類義語 lead British English 
No dogs are allowed in the park without leash
24662.in no time informal very soon or very quickly 
I know a shortcut, so we will be there in no time.
24663.in my eyes(私にしてみれば / 私としては / 私からすると)
I know Ichiro is a great player but in my eyes, Hideo Nomo is the best.
24664.while(しばらくの間)during the time that something is happening   
It’s had been a while.
He can be wild at times.  

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News


2020年01月18日 | 読書日記

ラファエル・ジョルダノ(Raphaëlle Giordano)
著書に『100%幸せになる! 』(グラフィック社)など。




Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/18)

2020年01月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
24656.talk with  (〜と話し合う)an innate quality or ability is something you are born with 
I talked with our client and resolved the issue.
24657.wait and see(様子を見る)
Let's wait and see for a while.
24658.see how it goes(様子を見る・様子をうかがう) 
I just started. We'll see how it goes.
24659.We'll see (自分でやる )  
I’m I'm pretty busy next month but we'll see. .
Attached is the revised annual report.   

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/17)

2020年01月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
24651.at one's own pace (自分のペースで〜をする)an innate quality or ability is something you are born with 
He does everything at his own pace.
24652.one's (own) way(自己流・自分勝手)
 I'm going to do things my way.
24653.Not easily influenced(周りから影響されにくい・(些細なことに)動じない)
She is not easily influenced by others.
24654.Never think(s) about other people(周りのことを考えないで〜する・自分勝手)  
When you make plans, you never think about people's schedule.
24655.talk to(〜と話す)  
I got into an argument with my girlfriend and she won't talk to me.

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

Daily Vocabulary(2020/01/16)

2020年01月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
24646.numb(かじかんだ、凍えた)a part of your body that is numb is unable to feel anything, for example because you are very cold 
My fingers were so numb I could hardly write.
24647.shiver(恐怖・寒さで)震える、(ぶるぶる)震える)to shake slightly because you are cold or frightened 類義語 tremble 
Jake stood shivering in the cold air.
24648.raise(昇給)an increase in the money you earn 
I got a raise when I was promoted. 
24649.duration the length of time that something continues 
The flight duration to Narita Airport is five hours
24650.painkiller a medicine which reduces or removes pain 
SI have a headache.Do you have any painkillers

今日の英語ニュースを聞こう!NHK WORLD Daily News

"Bohemian Rhapsody" Cast Interview『ボヘミアン・ラプソディ』出演者インタビュー

2020年01月15日 | 爺英語
What are the highlights of this film?
Rami Malek:
For us, the highlights of the film are everything that happened backstage, when the camera wasn't rolling, because we developed this camaraderie, as you can tell.
And what made this film really spectacular ... you get to see songs we've heard for decades, songs that are in our DNA. You see a coming-of-age story of these four guys come together. You know, misfits, outcasts. And somehow, they uniquely find a way to revolutionize music with their songwriting. And we watch these beautiful songs come to fruition.

How did you embody your characters becoming a rock legend, rock gods in a sense?
Gwilym Lee:
Well, it just involved a lot of work. I think for me, the biggest challenge was the musical challenge. Every waking hour of the day, I'd have a guitar in my hand to just be trying to work on the next solo, the next riff, the next song.
Joe Mazzello:
I've never played anyone this famous. So, it was probably a good four or five times harder than any other job I've ever done with the amount of preparation. You know, he's English, so I have to do an English accent and a very specific one from sort of the north of England.
highlight 見どころ、最も印象的な部分  the most important, interesting, or enjoyable part of something such as a holiday, performance, or sports competition 
camaraderie 友情、仲間意識 a feeling of friendship that a group of people have, especially when they work together 
coming-of-age  成人の the point in a young person’s life, usually the age of 18 or 21, at which their society considers them to be an adult 
misfit はみ出し者、不適応者   someone who does not seem to belong in a particular group of people, and who is not accepted by that group, because they are very different from the other group members 類義語 outsider 
outcast のけ者、見放された人   someone who is not accepted by the people they live among, or who has been forced out of their home 類義語 pariah 
fruition 実を結ぶこと、実現、達成  if a plan, project etc comes to fruition, it is successfully put into action and completed, often after a long process 
accent  なまり   the way someone pronounces the words of a language, showing which country or which part of a country they come from → dialect 
specific 特有の、独特の   a specific thing, person, or group is one particular thing, person, or group OPP non-specific