


2022年03月23日 | 爺英語

Reports of the Russian assault on Ukraine have triggered outrage all over the world.
Now President Vladimir Putin is cracking down on journalists. He's signed into law a bill that effectively halts the activities of many foreign news operations.
The new law sets out penalties for individuals and organizations that allegedly spread false information about military activity.
The Kremlin appears to be ramping up censorship while attempting to shut down dissent.
Authorities have already closed some independent media outlets, claiming they spread fake news about Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian forces.
International media have reacted. The BBC on Friday suspended its reporting activities in Russia, citing concerns for staff safety.
It said the legislation "appears to criminalize the process of independent journalism."
Other organizations to halt news gathering in Russia include ABC News and Bloomberg from the U.S., as well as Canada's CBC.
The clampdown has also hit social media.

assault  暴力、攻撃、暴行   the crime of physically attacking someone 
crack down  弾圧する、厳しく取り締まる to become more strict in dealing with a problem and punishing the people involved 
allegedly 申し立てによると、伝えられるところによると   used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved 
ramp up  増やす、強化する、高める    if someone ramps up a company’s shares, they try to persuade people that they are worth more than they really areTo ramp up a share price during a takeover bid is unacceptable. 
dissent  政府や政策に対する)異議(申し立て)、反対(意見)   refusal to agree with an official decision or accepted opinion SYN opposition, 
media outlet  メディアの支局、報道機関   
clampdown 弾圧、厳しい取り締まり  sudden firm action that is taken to reduce crime 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/23)

2022年03月23日 | Daily Vocabulary
28401.You are amazing! (あなたは凄いですね!)
You are amazing! Not too many people can do that. 
28402.as ~as ever(相変わらず)
Yoy are as lovely as ever.
28403.gripping(強く心を捕らえる、興味しんしんの)a gripping film, story etc is very exciting and interesting
His latest novel is as gripping as any novel i've ever read . 
28404.blunt speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people → bluntly 
To be perfectly blunt, I don’t think you’re cut out for this job. 
28405.splurge(贅沢をする、お金を派手に使う)to spend more money than you can usually afford SYN splash out
We're on vacation. Let's splurge a little. 

徒然草 第百四十四段

2022年03月22日 | 徒然草を読む


明恵上人が散歩をしていると、小川で男が「脚あし、脚あし」と言って、馬の脚を洗おうとしていた。上人は立ち止まり、「有り難や。現世に降臨した神様でしょうか? 阿字あじ阿字あじと宇宙を創造する言葉を唱えておられます。どのような方のお馬様かお尋ねします。この上なく神聖なことでございます」と言った。男は、「フショウ殿の馬ですよ」と答えた。「なんて嬉しいことでしょう。阿字本不生あじほんふしょう。つまり宇宙は永遠に不滅です。未来への悟りが見えてきました」と言って、感動で流れる涙を拭ったそうだ。  


Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/22)

2022年03月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
28396.get ahead(出世する)to be successful and do better than other people in a job or work
I’m working hard every day to get ahead in life. 
28397.get out of hand (手に負えない)if a situation or person gets out of hand, they become impossible to control any longer
We are swamped with orders right now. It's getting out of hand
28398.get out of control(抑えがきかなくなる、(人・事件などが)始末に負えなくなる)to happen or develop in a particular way
We have to do something before this party gets out of control. 
28399.That's awesome!(凄いですね!)
You passed your test? That's awesome! 
28400.That's impressive!(素晴らしいですね!)
That's impressive. Where did you learn to play the guitar? 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/21)

2022年03月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
28391.solidarity(結束、一致、団結、連帯)loyalty and general agreement between all the people in a group, or between different groups, because they all have a shared aim
To win the battle against climate change, we need solidarity
Sometimes, you just have to tip your cap to the other team. 
28393.selective(好みがうるさい) careful about what you choose to do, buy, allow etc → non-selective
Cats are often selective about the brand of food they eat. 
28394.stroll(散策)to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way 
Let's take a stroll aroundthe neighborhood this morning. 
28395.brisk(活発な、元気のよい、きびきびした、(商売)繁盛の、爽快な )quick and full of energy/quick, practical, and showing that you want to get things done quickly
After a brisk walk through the Park, I felt a lot better. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/20)

2022年03月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
28383.eat in(家で食事をする)to eat at home instead of in a restaurant
Why don't we eat in tonight? I feel like making cheese fondue. 
28387.Apparently(どうやら~らしい)used to say that you have heard that something is true, although you are not completely sure about it
Apparently he cheated on his wife. 
28388.flatter(お世辞を言う)to praise someone in order to please them or get something from them, even though you do not mean it
I'm noy trying to flatter you. 
When I gave Jewnny some flowers, all I got was an insincere smile.. 
28390.suck up(おべっかを使う、ゴマをする)to say or do a lot of nice things in order to make someone like you or to get what you want – used to show disapprovalto
It’s a obvious that he's sucking up to the teacher. 


2022年03月19日 | 読書日記

●河﨑 秋子:羊飼い。1979年北海道別海町生まれ。北海学園大学経済学部卒。大学卒業後、ニュージーランドにて緬羊飼育技術を1年間学んだ後、自宅で酪農従業員をしつつ緬羊を飼育・出荷。2012年「東陬遺事」で北海道新聞文学賞(創作・評論部門)受賞。2014年に三浦綾子文学賞を受賞した『颶風の王』を15年KADOKAWAより単行本として刊行。同書で2015年度JRA賞馬事文学賞を受賞した。





Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/19)

2022年03月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
28381.miss the boat(機会を逃す)informal to fail to take an opportunity that will give you an advantage 
Make sure you don't miss the boat
28382.lawmaker(議員)especially American English any elected official responsible for making laws 類義語 legislator
Lawmakers have been dabating the topic for months.
28383.debut(デビュー)the first public appearance of an entertainer, sports player etc or of something new and important
I'll never be more nervous than I was when I made my TV debut
28384.mortgage(住宅ローン、担保、抵当)a legal arrangement by which you borrow money from a bank or similar organization in order to buy a house, and pay back the money over a period of years 
We finally paid off our mortage. The house is ours.
28385.brim(縁、へり、(帽子の)つば)the bottom part of a hat that sticks out to protect you from sun and rain
I pulled the brim of my hat down to block the sun. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/18)

2022年03月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
28376.omit(省略する) to not include someone or something, either deliberately or because you forget to do it 類義語 leave out
Please don't omit any details, no matter how trivial they may seem. 
That would save effort, time and money. 
28378.clumsy(不器用な、下手な、ぎこちない、動きの鈍い)moving or doing things in a careless way, especially so that you drop things, knock into things etc
You're so clumsy! I'll bring a kitchen towel right now. 
28379.Don't lag!(ぐずぐずしないでね)
Make sure you finish this report by next week. Don't lag on it and do it right away. 
28380.Don't put it off(先延ばししないように)
I know you still have a month but don't put it off.

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/17)

2022年03月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
28371.Edo period(江戸時代)
If I could go back in time, I would go back to the Edo period
28372.You can't beat it/that(それにかなう/勝るものはない)
You can't beat that deal. You should get it. 
28373.Beat it(あっちへ行け)used to tell someone to leave at once, because they are annoying you or should not be there
You're so annoying. Beat it! 
28374.I'm beat(すごく疲れた)
That was an intense workout! I'm beat
28375.go to the doctor((風邪などで)医者に診てもらう)
You've been sick for about a month now. Maybe you should go see a doctor


2022年03月16日 | Daily Vocabulary

People across Ukraine are trying to get whatever rest they can after a day that brought their worst fears.
They'd heard the talk for months. Then, at dawn, Russian forces rolled across their borders and attacked. Ukrainian officials say about 50 of their soldiers have been killed.
Russian Defense officials say their forces have destroyed more than 80 military targets.
They say the operation is not a threat to civilians. But they've also hit residential areas.
President Vladimir Putin set the attack in motion. He delivered a speech to announce what he called a "special military operation."
Then, the troops invaded. But he says they won't occupy Ukraine.
Putin suggested he wants to protect people who he says have been oppressed by the Ukrainian government. Ukrainian leaders take another view.
(Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Ukrainian President)
"Ukraine is defending itself and will not give up its freedom, no matter what Moscow thinks."

invade  侵攻する、侵略する  never having happened before, or never having happened so much 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/16)

2022年03月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
28366.chew someone out(~を厳しく叱る )to talk angrily to someone in order to show them that you disapprove of what they have done
She chewed him out for driving drunk. 
28367.lecture(説教する) an act of criticizing someone or warning them about something in a long serious talk, in a way that they think is unfair or unnecessary
I got lectured by my parents last night. 
Actually, I may have drunk a whole glass of spoiled milk. 
28369.rot(腐る)to decay by a gradual natural process, or to make something do this 
The garden was full of rotten carrots. 
28370.moving(感動させる、哀れな) making you feel strong emotions, especially sadness or sympathy
It was the most moving film, I have ever seen.