Reports of the Russian assault on Ukraine have triggered outrage all over the world.
Now President Vladimir Putin is cracking down on journalists. He's signed into law a bill that effectively halts the activities of many foreign news operations.
The new law sets out penalties for individuals and organizations that allegedly spread false information about military activity.
The Kremlin appears to be ramping up censorship while attempting to shut down dissent.
Authorities have already closed some independent media outlets, claiming they spread fake news about Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian forces.
International media have reacted. The BBC on Friday suspended its reporting activities in Russia, citing concerns for staff safety.
It said the legislation "appears to criminalize the process of independent journalism."
Other organizations to halt news gathering in Russia include ABC News and Bloomberg from the U.S., as well as Canada's CBC.
The clampdown has also hit social media.
Now President Vladimir Putin is cracking down on journalists. He's signed into law a bill that effectively halts the activities of many foreign news operations.
The new law sets out penalties for individuals and organizations that allegedly spread false information about military activity.
The Kremlin appears to be ramping up censorship while attempting to shut down dissent.
Authorities have already closed some independent media outlets, claiming they spread fake news about Ukrainian civilians killed by Russian forces.
International media have reacted. The BBC on Friday suspended its reporting activities in Russia, citing concerns for staff safety.
It said the legislation "appears to criminalize the process of independent journalism."
Other organizations to halt news gathering in Russia include ABC News and Bloomberg from the U.S., as well as Canada's CBC.
The clampdown has also hit social media.
◆assault 暴力、攻撃、暴行 the crime of physically attacking someone
◆crack down 弾圧する、厳しく取り締まる to become more strict in dealing with a problem and punishing the people involved
◆allegedly 申し立てによると、伝えられるところによると used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved
◆ramp up 増やす、強化する、高める if someone ramps up a company’s shares, they try to persuade people that they are worth more than they really areTo ramp up a share price during a takeover bid is unacceptable.
◆dissent 政府や政策に対する)異議(申し立て)、反対(意見) refusal to agree with an official decision or accepted opinion SYN opposition,
◆media outlet メディアの支局、報道機関
◆clampdown 弾圧、厳しい取り締まり sudden firm action that is taken to reduce crime