

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/07)

2022年03月07日 | Daily Vocabulary
He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed but he works hard. 
28322.take forever(長い時間がかかる)land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water
The pizza is taking forever. It’s been over two hours since we ordered. 
28323.over the course of(~にわたって)to sit or lie outside in the sun, especially in order to become brown
He lost 5 kg over the course of one month. 
28324.sophomore(高校・大学の2年生)American English a student who is in their second year of study at a college or high school → freshman, junior, senior 
I studied abroad when I was a sophomore in college. 
28325.carefree(心配のない、のんきな、(…に)無責任で、むとんちゃくで)having no worries or problems
I was just annoyed by his carefree attitude towards work. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/06)

2022年03月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
28316.straight ahead(まっすぐ先に)
Look, there's Todaiji straight ahead.
28317.defect(欠陥)a fault or a lack of something that means that something or someone is not perfect
Are you saying that our product has a defect.
28318.stingy not generous, especially with money 類義語 mean
He is not stingy as you think. 
28319.attorney lawyer 
One of an attorney's job is to draft contracts.
28320.sentence(判決)a punishment that a judge gives to someone who is guilty of a crime
The criminal received a harsh sentence. 


2022年03月05日 | 読書日記




Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/05)

2022年03月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
28311.pun(ダジャレ、語呂合わせ)an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or of words that have the same sound but different meanings 類義語 play on words
Bill tried to make a pun, but noboody got it..
28312.palindrome(回文)a word or phrase such as ‘deed’ or ‘level’, which is the same when you spell it backwards
"Racecar" is a palindrome.  
28313.rhyme(韻)a short poem or song, especially for children, using words that rhyme
I use rhymes to teach my children manners. 
28314.erupt(噴火する) if a volcano erupts, it explodes and sends smoke, fire, and rock into the sky 
The volcano could erupt at a moment.
For maggie, the race was a heartbreker. She lost by a nose. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/04)

2022年03月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
28306.cheetah a member of the cat family that has long legs and black spots on its fur, and can run extremely fast
It looks like he s running as fast as a cheetah.
28307.talkative someone who is talkative talks a lot OPP quiet
I’m not as taktive as him.  
28308.inspirational providing encouragement or new ideas for what you should do
My speech is wasn't as inspirational as yours. 
28309.be done with(~を終える)used to tell someone to stop thinking about or trying to decide something because they have already done this enough 
All right. I'm done with my assignment.
28310.naive(世間知らずの、だまされやすい)not having much experience of how complicated life is, so that you trust people too much and believe that good things will always happen → innocent
Kevin is not as naive as he mioght seem. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/03)

2022年03月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
28296.bug spray(虫よけスプレー)
Where can I get some bug spray?
28297.praying mantis(カマキリ)
There is a small praying mantis on your shoe. 
28298.binoculars(双眼鏡)a pair of special glasses, that you hold up to your eyes to look at objects that are a long distance away
AHow do I focus these binoculars
28299.stethoscope an instrument that a doctor uses to listen to your heart or breathing  
Primo is sitting on the living room couch, listening to his own heart with the stethoscope
28300.must-have(必需品)informal something that is so good, exciting, or interesting that you think people should have it, see it etc
This kind of pot is a must-have for devoted ted lover. 


2022年03月02日 | 爺英語

A Japanese government survey has determined that the country relies excessively on imports from China.
The Cabinet Office examined the source countries of Japan's imports in 2019.
For over 2,600 items, Japan received over half from a single country. The origin was China for over 1,100 of the products.
The survey finds that the United States and Germany have more diverse sources. China was a dominant supplier for 590 items in the U.S. and 250 in Germany.
The survey also gives a breakdown by product type.
Ninety-nine percent of all laptops and tablet computers shipped to Japan came from China. The rate for cellphones was 86 percent, and 62 percent for computer parts.
Cabinet Office officials say Japan's heavy dependence on Chinese goods leaves it vulnerable to supply and transportation disruptions in that country.

breakdown   明細、内訳  a list of all the separate parts of something 
 vulnerable to ~に弱い、~の被害を受けやすい someone who is vulnerable can be easily harmed or hurt OPP invulnerable 
 disruption  混乱、崩壊、中断 a situation in which something is prevented from continuing in its usual way 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/02)

2022年03月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
28291.etcetera(などなど)and things like that
I bought a bunch of souvenirs for my coworkers like chocolates, reusable bags, etcetera etecetra
28292.gourmet(豪華な)producing or relating to very good food and drink
We should treat ourselves to a gourmet meal tonight.
28293.run out of(〜が切れる / 〜を使い果たす)to sit or lie outside in the sun, especially in order to become brown
I'm sorry. We ran out of that item.
28294.go easy on(大目に見る)to be more gentle and less strict or angry with someone 
Go easy on him. He's only been here for a month. 
28295.When you get a chance(時間があれば)
When you get a chance, can you check my English sentences? 

徒然草 第百四十一段

2022年03月01日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/03/01)

2022年03月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
28286.ridiculous(馬鹿げた・おかしな)very silly or unreasonable
Are you out of your mind? You're being ridiculous
28287.Can I leave my bag here?(荷物を預かってもらえますか?)
I have to go to the bathroom. Can I leave my bag with you?
28288.Hit the nail on the head(まさにその通り)informal used to say that what someone has said is exactly right
I totally agree with you. You hit the nail on the head.  
28289.pull off(成功する) informal to succeed in doing something difficult 
It took a long time, but we were able to somehow pull off a deal with Disney.
28290.pass down(〜を伝える)to give or teach something to people who are younger than you or live after you
This is a family tradition that has been passed down from generation to generation.