小フーガ ト短調 BWV578 (バッハ)
28546.disruptive(混乱を起こさせる、破壊的な)causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way
I’m not having such disruptive in my class.
28547.be had(騙されている)
This painting is a fake. I'm afraid you've been had.
28548.go see(会いに行く)
Why don't you go see your boss first and trying to find a solution.
I’m not having such disruptive in my class.
28547.be had(騙されている)
This painting is a fake. I'm afraid you've been had.
28548.go see(会いに行く)
Why don't you go see your boss first and trying to find a solution.
28549.graduate school(大学院)American English a college or university where you can study for a master’s degree or a doctorate after receiving your first degree, or the period of time when you study for these degrees
I'm thinking about going to graduate school after college.
28550.master's(修士号)a master’s degree
After college, my father got a master’s in economics.
28550.master's(修士号)a master’s degree
After college, my father got a master’s in economics.
28541.get caught (バレる / 捕まる)without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
Tom got caught drinking and driving.
28542.chilly chilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable
The telegram came on a gray, chilly April day.
28543.welfare office(福祉事務所)
I work at the welfare office.
Tom got caught drinking and driving.
28542.chilly chilly weather or places are cold enough to make you feel uncomfortable
The telegram came on a gray, chilly April day.
28543.welfare office(福祉事務所)
I work at the welfare office.
28544.have the authority to(~する権利)
Do you have the authority to allow us to leave work early.
28545.have a say(発言権がある)
I think we should all have a say oin the company future.
28545.have a say(発言権がある)
I think we should all have a say oin the company future.
Now, on to Hollywood, where the Japanese film “Drive My Car” has picked up the Oscar for best international feature film.
The Hamaguchi Ryusuke-directed film is based on a short story by author Murakami Haruki.再生解説
It's about a stage director grappling with the death of his wife, and his interaction with a woman assigned to be his driver.
The film already has an impressive trophy collection. It won for best screenplay at last year's Cannes Film Festival and a Golden Globe for best picture in the non-English language category.
This year's best picture award went to “CODA.” The film also won for best supporting actor and best adapted screenplay.
◆ feature film 長編映画
The Hamaguchi Ryusuke-directed film is based on a short story by author Murakami Haruki.再生解説
It's about a stage director grappling with the death of his wife, and his interaction with a woman assigned to be his driver.
The film already has an impressive trophy collection. It won for best screenplay at last year's Cannes Film Festival and a Golden Globe for best picture in the non-English language category.
This year's best picture award went to “CODA.” The film also won for best supporting actor and best adapted screenplay.
◆ feature film 長編映画
◆ grapple with (難題など)~に立ち向かう、~に取り組む
◆ trophy collection 集めること、収集(物)
◆ adapted 適応する、脚色する、改作する
28536.reek of(悪臭を放つ / ~の臭いがする)
He's just hungover. He went overboard last night. He reeks of alcohol.
28537.palm reader(手相占い師)British English someone who claims they can tell what will happen to a person by looking at the lines on the palm of their hand SYN palm‧ist
You are a palm reader.
To be honest、I don’t belive in this kind of stuff.
He's just hungover. He went overboard last night. He reeks of alcohol.
28537.palm reader(手相占い師)British English someone who claims they can tell what will happen to a person by looking at the lines on the palm of their hand SYN palm‧ist
You are a palm reader.
To be honest、I don’t belive in this kind of stuff.
28539.take out a loan(ローンを組む)
Yes, but I took out a loan.
28540.give in(降参する)
If they think they make me give in to their demands, they were wrong.
28540.give in(降参する)
If they think they make me give in to their demands, they were wrong.
28531.start out with(~から始める)
I started out with NHK radio. Now I listen to the podcast.
28532.up until(~まで)to believe that something is true without making sure
Up until yesterday, I had a fever. I'm finally starting to get better though
28533.tough break(ついていない)
He's had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
I started out with NHK radio. Now I listen to the podcast.
28532.up until(~まで)to believe that something is true without making sure
Up until yesterday, I had a fever. I'm finally starting to get better though
28533.tough break(ついていない)
He's had a lot of tough breaks recently. I feel bad for him.
28534.pick up(普及する)if a situation picks up, it improves
It's been really slow the last couple of months, but it's slowly starting to pick up.
28535.rusty(下手になる / 腕が鈍る)if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time
My piano playing is pretty rusty but I'll give it a try. .
28535.rusty(下手になる / 腕が鈍る)if you are rusty, you are not as good at something as you used to be, because you have not practised it for a long time
My piano playing is pretty rusty but I'll give it a try. .
28526.dress up(正装する)to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someone/to wear clothes that are more formal than the ones you would usually wear
It's a formal event. Make sure you dress up.
28527.dress to impress(着飾る)to believe that something is true without making sure
Don't wear that. You're going on a date. Dress to impress!
28528.persistent(粘り強い / しつこい)continuing to exist or happen, especially for longer than is usual or desirable
She was being so persistent it was driving me crazy.
It's a formal event. Make sure you dress up.
28527.dress to impress(着飾る)to believe that something is true without making sure
Don't wear that. You're going on a date. Dress to impress!
28528.persistent(粘り強い / しつこい)continuing to exist or happen, especially for longer than is usual or desirable
She was being so persistent it was driving me crazy.
28529.pushy(しつこい / 厚かましい)someone who is pushy does everything they can to get what they want from other people – used to show disapproval
Why are you being so pushy? .
28530.~won't go away / ~ won't come off (〜がしつこい)
28530.~won't go away / ~ won't come off (〜がしつこい)
My headache won't go away.
28521.-like(~のような)without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
He took the day off today. He said he has flu-like symptoms.
28522.close game(接戦 / 互角の試合)
It's hard to say. It's going to be a close game.
28523.nail-biter(ハラハラドキドキ)a very exciting story, film etc
Did you watch the game last night. It was a nail-biter!
He took the day off today. He said he has flu-like symptoms.
28522.close game(接戦 / 互角の試合)
It's hard to say. It's going to be a close game.
28523.nail-biter(ハラハラドキドキ)a very exciting story, film etc
Did you watch the game last night. It was a nail-biter!
28524.back to square one(一からやり直し / 振り出しに戻る / 一から出直す)
It's not working. Let's go back to square one.
28525.back to the drawing board(一からやり直し / 振り出しに戻る / 一から出直す)if you go back to the drawing board, you start again with a completely new plan or idea, after the one you tried before has failed
Let's get back to the drawing board.
28525.back to the drawing board(一からやり直し / 振り出しに戻る / 一から出直す)if you go back to the drawing board, you start again with a completely new plan or idea, after the one you tried before has failed
Let's get back to the drawing board.
【 内容】
一日の終わり、あたたかな布団にくるまり、いざ眠りにつこうとすると――昼間の誰かの言葉を思い出して傷ついたり、不穏なニュースにざわついたり、わけもなく心細くなったり……。そんな、眠れない夜を過ごしているあなたに、かつて傷つき上手だった著者が心の刺のぬきかたをお教えします。1編を読み終えるころには……ほら、だんだん明日が楽しみになってきたでしょう? 今夜の気分でお好きな項目からどうぞ。繊細なあなたの心に森の中からお届けする、深夜ラジオのようなエッセイ集です。
一日の終わり、あたたかな布団にくるまり、いざ眠りにつこうとすると――昼間の誰かの言葉を思い出して傷ついたり、不穏なニュースにざわついたり、わけもなく心細くなったり……。そんな、眠れない夜を過ごしているあなたに、かつて傷つき上手だった著者が心の刺のぬきかたをお教えします。1編を読み終えるころには……ほら、だんだん明日が楽しみになってきたでしょう? 今夜の気分でお好きな項目からどうぞ。繊細なあなたの心に森の中からお届けする、深夜ラジオのようなエッセイ集です。
【 著者】
In the mornings, I like to sit in my comfy chair and plan the day.
28517.dripping with sweat(汗びっしょり)to believe that something is true without making sure
It’s scorching hot today. I’m dripping with sweat
This is a really cozy cafe. It has a great vibe and I like their music choice. .
In the mornings, I like to sit in my comfy chair and plan the day.
28517.dripping with sweat(汗びっしょり)to believe that something is true without making sure
It’s scorching hot today. I’m dripping with sweat
This is a really cozy cafe. It has a great vibe and I like their music choice. .
28519.fit in((環境に)溶け込む / 馴染む / 順応する)if someone fits in, they are accepted by the other people in a group
I'm trying to fit in but it's difficult when you don't speak their language.
How many credits do I need to graduate?
How many credits do I need to graduate?
28511.go to sleep/bed(寝る / 眠りにつく / 床に就く)to start sleeping
I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed.
28512.fall asleep(寝てしまう / 眠りに落ちる / 寝入る)to begin to sleep
I was going to study English but I fell asleep.
28513.How do you like(〜はどうですか?)
How do you like your new job? Are you getting used to it?
I'm exhausted. I'm going to go to bed.
28512.fall asleep(寝てしまう / 眠りに落ちる / 寝入る)to begin to sleep
I was going to study English but I fell asleep.
28513.How do you like(〜はどうですか?)
How do you like your new job? Are you getting used to it?
28514.bake in the sun(すごく暑い )
I’m baking in the sun. Let’s find a shady spot and rest a little.
28515.cool off(冷める) to return to a normal temperature after being hot
He’s heated right now. Give him some time to cool off.
28515.cool off(冷める) to return to a normal temperature after being hot
He’s heated right now. Give him some time to cool off.