銀の雨 松山千春
28506.hand out(配る)to give something to each person in a group SYN distribute
Let's go to the station and hand out some fliers.
28507.handout a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson, meeting etc
Let's go to the station and hand out some fliers.
28507.handout a piece of paper with information, which is given to people who are attending a lesson, meeting etc
Please read the handout.
28508.see to(~に必要な処置を施す、~の用意をする)
Relax and make yourselves at home while I see to the dinner..
28508.see to(~に必要な処置を施す、~の用意をする)
Relax and make yourselves at home while I see to the dinner..
28509.smile from ear to ear(満面の笑みを浮かべる)to show that you are very happy or pleased by smiling a lot
She is smiling from ear to ear.
28510.make it as(~として成功する)
Ie’s never going to make it as a professional singer.
28510.make it as(~として成功する)
Ie’s never going to make it as a professional singer.
The people at Starbucks Coffee Japan are continuing the shift away from single-use plastic.
They're set to make more changes in April in time for a new law to encourage waste reduction and plastic recycling.
Starbucks officials say their outlets will start serving cold drinks for eat-in customers without plastic lids.
They'll test the change at about 100 stores from April 18 before expanding it to shops nationwide in the summer.
The company switched from plastic to paper cups for cold drinks in 2020.
Other coffee chains have also been phasing out plastic in the lead-up to the new law.
Excelsior Caffe switched to paper cups for cold drinks to go. And Tully's Coffee Japan is planning similar steps.
◆ shift away from ~からの転換
They're set to make more changes in April in time for a new law to encourage waste reduction and plastic recycling.
Starbucks officials say their outlets will start serving cold drinks for eat-in customers without plastic lids.
They'll test the change at about 100 stores from April 18 before expanding it to shops nationwide in the summer.
The company switched from plastic to paper cups for cold drinks in 2020.
Other coffee chains have also been phasing out plastic in the lead-up to the new law.
Excelsior Caffe switched to paper cups for cold drinks to go. And Tully's Coffee Japan is planning similar steps.
◆ shift away from ~からの転換
◆ single-use 使用回数が1度限りの、使い捨ての
◆ phase out 段階的に廃止する
◆ lead-up 準備、前振り
28501.I suppose(多分〜だと思う)
I suppose everything is going to be all right.
28502.blast(吹き飛ばす) a sudden strong movement of wind or air/an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it causes
I blasted through the to-do list and got everything done by noon
28503.I'd like to return(〜を返品したいのですが)
Excuse me, I'd like to return this hat.
28502.blast(吹き飛ばす) a sudden strong movement of wind or air/an explosion, or the very strong movement of air that it causes
I blasted through the to-do list and got everything done by noon
28503.I'd like to return(〜を返品したいのですが)
Excuse me, I'd like to return this hat.
28504.I'd like to exchange ~ for ~(〜を〜と交換したいのですが) the act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them
I'd like to exchange this shirt for a bigger one.
28505.I'd like a refund(返金してもらいたいのですが) an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for
I'd like a refund on this. It's a defective item.
28505.I'd like a refund(返金してもらいたいのですが) an amount of money that is given back to you if you are not satisfied with the goods or services that you have paid for
I'd like a refund on this. It's a defective item.
28496.That can't be true(そんなことはあり得ない!)
That can't be true. He's worked so hard to get into that university.
28497.That's impossible(あり得ない)to believe that something is true without making sure
That's impossible. It takes years to master the language.
28498.Guess what(ちょっと聞いてよ)
Guess what? John is getting married.
That can't be true. He's worked so hard to get into that university.
28497.That's impossible(あり得ない)to believe that something is true without making sure
That's impossible. It takes years to master the language.
28498.Guess what(ちょっと聞いてよ)
Guess what? John is getting married.
28499.I'm positive(絶対に〜・必ず〜)
I'm absolutely positive you'll find a job.
28500.I bet(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I bet he'll be very successful one day.
28500.I bet(きっと〜・〜に間違いない・〜に違いない)
I bet he'll be very successful one day.
28491.thought process(思考過程)
Can you tell me the thought process that led you to make that decision?
28492.particular about(~にこだわりがある)
You know he is very particular about his fashion right?
28493.Sorry for the short notice(突然のご連絡失礼します)
Sorry for the short notice. I am not feeling well and will not be able to make it to the office tomorrow.
Can you tell me the thought process that led you to make that decision?
28492.particular about(~にこだわりがある)
You know he is very particular about his fashion right?
28493.Sorry for the short notice(突然のご連絡失礼します)
Sorry for the short notice. I am not feeling well and will not be able to make it to the office tomorrow.
28494.I hope all is well with you.(ご無沙汰しています)
I hope all is well with you. I wanted to reach out to you if you still did translations.
28495.(There's) no way (絶対にあり得ない)used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something
There's no way he did that.
28495.(There's) no way (絶対にあり得ない)used to emphasize that you will not agree or be able to do something
There's no way he did that.
28486.no joke(冗談抜きで)used to emphasize that a situation is serious or that someone really means what they say
It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, no joke.
28487.make an effort(努力する)an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work or determination
You should make an effort to improve your English.
28488.ask someone out(〜をデートに誘う)
Oh my god. You're not going to believe this. John asked me out last night!
It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, no joke.
28487.make an effort(努力する)an attempt to do something, especially when this involves a lot of hard work or determination
You should make an effort to improve your English.
28488.ask someone out(〜をデートに誘う)
Oh my god. You're not going to believe this. John asked me out last night!
28489.go out with someone(付き合う)
How long have you and your boyfriend been going out?
28490.loser(負け犬)someone who is never successful in life, work, or relationships
He's such a loser. His parents need to kick him out of the house.
28490.loser(負け犬)someone who is never successful in life, work, or relationships
He's such a loser. His parents need to kick him out of the house.
【 内容】
第1章 健康長寿のカギは「70代」にある
第2章 老いを遅らせる70代の生活
第3章 知らないと寿命を縮める70代の医療とのつき合い方
第4章 退職、介護、死別、うつ……「70代の危機」を乗り越える
第1章 健康長寿のカギは「70代」にある
第2章 老いを遅らせる70代の生活
第3章 知らないと寿命を縮める70代の医療とのつき合い方
第4章 退職、介護、死別、うつ……「70代の危機」を乗り越える
【 著者】
和田秀樹(わだ ひでき)
1960年大阪府生まれ。東京大学医学部卒。精神科医。東京大学医学部附属病院精神神経科助手、米国カール・メニンガー精神医学学校国際フェローを経て、現在、和田秀樹こころと体のクリニック院長。高齢者専門の精神科医として、30年以上にわたって、高齢者医療の現場に携わっている。主な著書に『自分が高齢になるということ』(新講社)、『年代別 医学的に正しい生き方』(講談社)、『六十代と七十代 心と体の整え方』(バジリコ)、『「人生100年」老年格差』(詩想社)などがある。
1960年大阪府生まれ。東京大学医学部卒。精神科医。東京大学医学部附属病院精神神経科助手、米国カール・メニンガー精神医学学校国際フェローを経て、現在、和田秀樹こころと体のクリニック院長。高齢者専門の精神科医として、30年以上にわたって、高齢者医療の現場に携わっている。主な著書に『自分が高齢になるということ』(新講社)、『年代別 医学的に正しい生き方』(講談社)、『六十代と七十代 心と体の整え方』(バジリコ)、『「人生100年」老年格差』(詩想社)などがある。
28481.give someone a call(電話をする)
Stacy will give you a call when she gets back into the office.
28482.give someone a ring (電話をする)
Have your brother give me a ring when he gets home.
28483.hit it off(意気投合する)informal if two people hit it off, they like each other as soon as they meet
They are hitting it off. I knew they would get along.
Stacy will give you a call when she gets back into the office.
28482.give someone a ring (電話をする)
Have your brother give me a ring when he gets home.
28483.hit it off(意気投合する)informal if two people hit it off, they like each other as soon as they meet
They are hitting it off. I knew they would get along.
28484.clicked(意気投合する) informal if two people click, they like, understand, and agree with each other
I've know him for a while but we've never really clicked.
28485.in stock(在庫在り)
Excuse me, can you check if this item is in stock?
28485.in stock(在庫在り)
Excuse me, can you check if this item is in stock?
28476.due to a prior commitment(先約があるので(行けません))without realizing what you are doing 類義語 accidentally OPP deliberately
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the conference due to a prior commitment.
28477.take for granted(~を当然と考える / ~に慣れっこになってしまう)to believe that something is true without making sure
It was amazing! But I realized that there are a lot of things we take for granted here.
28478.I'm on my way(今向かっています)
I'm on my way to the beach.
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the conference due to a prior commitment.
28477.take for granted(~を当然と考える / ~に慣れっこになってしまう)to believe that something is true without making sure
It was amazing! But I realized that there are a lot of things we take for granted here.
28478.I'm on my way(今向かっています)
I'm on my way to the beach.
28479.couch potato(順調に進む)someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television
I'm going to be a couch potato today and relax.
28480.veg out(のんびり過ごす)to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
I'm going to veg out in front of the TV tonight.
28480.veg out(のんびり過ごす)to be very lazy and spend time doing very little
I'm going to veg out in front of the TV tonight.
28471.stick by(〜に忠実である)to remain loyal to a friend when they have done something wrong or have problems
Through thick and thin, he is a high-character guy who sticks by his principles.
28472.in the right(正当である)to have the best reasons, arguments etc in a disagreement with someone else
It’s not your fault. You’re in the right.
28473.from scratch(一から、最初から、または手作りで )from scratch
When I was 30 years old, I quit my company and started my business from scratch.
Through thick and thin, he is a high-character guy who sticks by his principles.
28472.in the right(正当である)to have the best reasons, arguments etc in a disagreement with someone else
It’s not your fault. You’re in the right.
28473.from scratch(一から、最初から、または手作りで )from scratch
When I was 30 years old, I quit my company and started my business from scratch.
28474.from ground up(一から)
Yeah, he fired the majority of the employees and rebuilt the company from ground up.
28475.I'd love to~ but ~ (そうしたいの山々ですが)
I'd love to stay and chat a little more but I have to get going.
28475.I'd love to~ but ~ (そうしたいの山々ですが)
I'd love to stay and chat a little more but I have to get going.