


2022年04月06日 | 爺英語

Japan's aging society is pushing companies to find ways to improve quality of life for seniors. Two major electronics makers believe they may be able to help with digital technology.
Hitachi plans to release in April a healthcare app targeting the elderly. It will show seniors how active they are by tracking the amount of walking they do and how often they go out.
Hitachi plans to share the data with other companies that can offer ways to encourage users to be more active.
Some of the incentives could include discounts on insurance premiums for those who regularly get some exercise.
(Kamata Yuji / Hitachi)
"We hope this app will help the elderly to see the benefits of going out and participating in society more often."
Another Japanese electronics maker, NEC, has developed shoe sensors that track fitness data in real time, including walking speed and stride length.
The company hopes the data will help improve rehabilitation services.

 see the benefits of   ~の恩恵、利益、利点を知る、理解する

Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/06)

2022年04月06日 | Daily Vocabulary
28466.place an order on/for (〜を注文する・発注する / 〜を取り寄せる)
You guys are all out? Would I be able to place an order
28467.put _____ on hold (〜を取り置きする)
Can you put it on hold? I will come and pick it up today. 
28468.loaded  (いっぱいの)
These french fries are loaded with cheese and bacon.  
28469.sit back(くつろぐ) to get into a comfortable position, for example in a chair, and relax 
It’s going to be a long drive. Sit back, relax and enjoy the ride. 
28470.assumption(思い込みsomething that you think is true although you have no definite proof 
I try not to make assumptions about people based on their appearance.

徒然草 第百四十六段

2022年04月05日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/05)

2022年04月05日 | Daily Vocabulary
28461.delicacy(珍味)something good to eat that is expensive or rare
Have you had “shirasu” before? It’s a Japanese delicacy. Try a bite. 
28462.ring a bell(心当たりがある)
That name doesn't ring a bell. I wonder who it is. 
28463.sounds/looks familiar(心当たりがある)to happen or develop in a particular way
Mr. Johnson? That name sounds familiar.
28464.mess / messy (ゴチャゴチャ / 乱雑) i
He's addicted to drinking . His life is a complete mess
28465.mixed up(ぐちゃぐちゃ / ごちゃ混ぜ)
No, not yet. Everything is all mixed up. I feel like it's going to take forever to find this book. 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/24)

2022年04月04日 | Daily Vocabulary
How long have you been together
28457.serious relationship(真面目なお付き合い)
They are in a serious relationship
28458.run into(ばったり会う)to meet someone by chance
It was really nice running into you. Let’s hang out sometime. 
28459.run late (遅れる)to arrive, go somewhere, or do something late, early, or at the right time 
I’ve got to get going. I’m running late for my English lesson. 
28460.run out of(~を使い切る / 〜を使い果たす)to no longer have the energy or the desire to continue doing something, especially because you are tired
I’m so out of shape. I’m running out of breath just from walking up these stairs. . 

Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/03)

2022年04月03日 | Daily Vocabulary
28451.tolerant(寛大な / 寛容な / 懐が深い)allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them OPP intolerant
You need to be a little more tolerant with them. You have to remember, they're still kids. 
28452.accepting((他人を)受け入れる / 許容範囲が広い) to take something that someone offers you, or to agree to do something that someone asks you to do OPP refuse
She never judges anybody. She's so accepting
28453.be the bigger person(度量の大きい人間になりなさい!)to happen or develop in a particular way
Look, I know it's not your fault. But you have to be the bigger person and take the blame. 
How long have you been dating him? 
28455.going out with(〜と付き合う)
How long have you been going out with her? 

地図帳の深読み 100年の変遷

2022年04月02日 | 読書日記
【 内容】


【 著者】
1959年横浜市生まれ。地図研究家。明治大学文学部ドイツ文学専攻中退。中学生の頃より帝国書院の地図帳を愛読。授業で国土地理院発行の地形図に出会い、地形図マニアになる。現在、(一財)日本地図センター客員研究員、(一財)地図情報センター評議員を務める。『地図マニア 空想の旅』集英社インターナショナル(第2回斎藤茂太賞受賞)、『今尾恵介責任編集 地図と鉄道』洋泉社(第43回交通図書賞受賞)、『地図と鉄道省文書で読む私鉄の歩み』白水社、『日本200年地図』河出書房新社(監修・日本地図学会2019年学会賞受賞)など地図や地形、鉄道に関する著作が多数ある。



Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/02)

2022年04月02日 | Daily Vocabulary
28446日.nerve-wracking(とても緊張感がある)a nerve-racking situation makes you feel very nervous or worried
Doing a speech in English in front of many people is nerve-wracking. 
28447.unstoppable(止められない、防止できない)unable to be stopped
Sneezing is sometimes unstoppable.
28448.throughtout(全体を通して)in every part of a particular area, place etc
Her name is famous throughout the world. . 
28449.signature food(代表的な食べ物)
You have to get the four-cheese pizza here. It’s their signature dish
28450.What was it famous for? (何で有名だったっけ?)
What was it famous for?  

Daily Vocabulary(2022/04/01)

2022年04月01日 | Daily Vocabulary
28441.double-A (単三の)
This toy needs two double-A batteries. 
28442.Jam(紙詰まり) a situation in which a machine does not work because something is stopping a part from moving
YCould you help me fix this paper jam
28443.ream(連、多量の )to happen or develop in a particular way
There's a ream of A4 paper in my bottom desk drawer. 
28444.double-sided(両面で)something such as tape or paper that is double-sided has something on both surfaces 
Can this printer print double-sided?
28445.date back to(~に遡る)to have existed since a particular time in the past
Nigirizushi dates back to the Edo period.