

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/22)

2023年06月22日 | Daily Vocabulary
30666.table(表 )
This table shows important from 1970 to 1995. 
I'll never forget my disastrous my first date with my wife.
30668.end up(結局~になる、~の結果で終わる )
I wasn't optimistic、but I ended up  successful results..
30669.nice and + 形容詞 (いい感じに〜 )
My coworker always keeps his desk nice and clean
30670.and whatnot (などなど )
He enjoys outdoor activities like hiking, camping, and whatnot.  


2023年06月21日 | 爺英語

Computer games are a hugely popular hobby for many people these days. But in the central Japanese city of Shizuoka right now, it's all about plastic models.
Around 100 domestic makers of models and related products are displaying their wares at the Shizuoka Hobby Show.
Shizuoka Prefecture accounts for about 90 percent of the plastic models shipped in Japan by value.
One of the creations is a model of the famous DeLorean car used in the movie series “Back to the Future.” Another is a Gundam robot based on a famous samurai warlord.
Foreign buyers are there for the first time in four years, as they were kept away by the pandemic.
Buyers from over 10 countries were seen negotiating at the booth of one Shizuoka City-based model maker. They came from Thailand, Germany, the U.S., and elsewhere.
(Foreign Buyer)
“We've already placed our orders. So, yeah, we're very excited about all the new releases.

by value 金額で  
samurai warlord 戦国武将    
for the first time in four years 4年ぶりに  
assailant  襲撃者、攻撃者 
sheath さや  

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/21)

2023年06月21日 | Daily Vocabulary
30661.convince(説得する)to make someone feel certain that something is true 
I finally convinced my mom to take me to see my favorite idol group. 
30662.persuasive(説得力のある)able to make other people believe something or do what you ask → convincing 
This salesperson was so persuasive that I ended up buying two flying pans.
30663.tough sell(説得しがたいこと、なかなか受け入れてもらえないこと)something that it is difficult to persuade people to buy or accept 
Convincing your whole family to move to France. That’ll be a tough sell,Bill.
BI'm sorry. I can't. find Figure 5 in the materials you gave out.
Figure 3 depicts the process by which instant noodles are manufactured. 

徒然草 第二百九段

2023年06月20日 | 徒然草を読む




Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/20)

2023年06月20日 | Daily Vocabulary
30656.see through(見抜く、透かして見る )see through somebody/something to realize that someone is trying to deceive you 
Stop pretending you're rich. I can see through you. 
30657.work through(辛い状況などを乗り越える、解決する)
We still have plenty of problem to work through.
30658.read through(初めから終わりまで読む、目を通す)
read something carefully from beginning to end in order to check details or find mistakes 類義語 check over/through 
I’ll read through the proposal and get back to you.
30659.follow through(最後までやり通す、ラケットなどを振り切る)t
Goals are pointless if you don't follow through on them.
30660.line(セリフ )
I read through the whole script, highlighting my line in yellow. 

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/19)

2023年06月19日 | Daily Vocabulary
30651.miss(恋しい)to feel sad because someone you love is not with you 
What do you miss most about Japan? . 
30652.mediocre (あまり良くない)not very good 類義語 second rate 
I’m a little disappointed. I had high hopes but he ended up doing a mediocre job. 
I’m going to marinate the chicken overnight and cook it tomorrow. 
30654.picturesque(絵のように美しい )a picturesque place is pretty and interesting in an old-fashioned way 
This canal belt is wonderful and so picturesque!.
30655.take sides(一方を支持する )
Keep me out of this. I don't want to take sides

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/18)

2023年06月18日 | Daily Vocabulary
30646.in the works(計画中 / 進行中 / 準備中)
It's still in the works. It'll be ready by tomorrow. 
30647.I'm stuffed(お腹いっぱいです)
I can't eat anymore. I'm stuffed.
30648.complimentary(無料の)given free to people 
Does it come with a complimentary breakfast? 
30649.move on(前に進む)
Get over it. It's time to move on
30650.A pain in the neck/butt/ass (めんどくさい )
You're such a pain in the ass

Basic English Phrases 英語で書こう! SNS、手帳、カード、ボードにも

2023年06月17日 | 読書日記
【 内容】出版社より
Chapter1 気持を表すフレーズ
Chapter2 ノートや手帳に書けるフレーズ
Chapter3 自分の目標や人を励ますポシティブフレーズ
Chapetr4 カードで贈る季節のイベントに合わせたフレーズ
Chapter5 カードで贈るお祝い、報告、お礼、お見舞いのフレーズ

【 監修】
Sara Gally


Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/17)

2023年06月17日 | Daily Vocabulary
By9 a.m.a long line had already formed in front of the rahmen shop. 
30642.reverse(逆、反対)to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before 
Can you say the alphabet in reverse.
30643.backfire(裏目に出る ) if a plan or action backfires, it has the opposite effect to the one you intended 
Maiko tried to sneak out of the house, but her plan backfire.
30644.renewable(再生可能な)if an agreement or official document is renewable, you can make it continue for a further period of time after it ends /renewable energy replaces itself naturally, or is easily replaced because there is a large supply of it 
The professor suggested using less electricity and switching to renewable energy.
30645.power plant(発電所) a building where electricity is produced to supply a large area 類義語 power station 
How much electricity does this power plant generate?

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/16)

2023年06月16日 | Daily Vocabulary
30636.stay up(寝ずに起きている)to not go to bed at the time you would normally go to bed 
Did you stay up to watch soccer game?
30637.market-driven(市場重視の、市場主導の)market-driven activities, products, developments etc are a result of public demand for a particular product, service, or skill 
Entertainment is a market-driven industry.
Gas-driven cars might eventually be a thing of the past.
Can a company survive even if it isn't profit-driven?.
30640.possible(可能性がある、ありえる) if something is possible, it can be done or achieved OPP impossible 
Anything possible if you put your mind to it.

Daily Vocabulary(2023/06/15)

2023年06月15日 | Daily Vocabulary
30631.in years(何年間も)
I haven't been there in years
30632.beat the traffic(渋滞を避ける )
I want to beat the traffic.
30633.what if(~のような だとするとどうでしょうか?)
What if we ask him to play at pur wedding?
30634.Any kind of ~ you can imagine(想像できるあらゆる)t
The summer festival offers a variety of food stalls with any kind of cuisine you can imagine. 
30635.If you ever have a chance(もし機会があれば)
If you ever have a chance, try out my friend's ramen shop.